Love to Paint | Learn to Sell

Turn your passion for painting into an income.

Do you dream of earning a living from your art and sharing  your art with those that love it?

Are you tired of falling prey to the usual suspects... like fear, perfectionism, imposter syndrome, overwhelm, and analysis paralysis?

Are you ready to be a profitable artist — without taking unrealistic risks?

If you answered yes to these two questions, then this special workshop-style course is for you.
Write your awesome label here.

What’s Love to Paint | Learn to Sell?

A fully interactive course, created to empower smart, fun, sensitive artists like you

A simple six-step process to successfully selling your art, both online and in person. 

In this course, I help you build REAL connections with the people who love YOUR ART both online and in person, using:

- Social media, a website and email newsletters.
- Galleries, private shows and events.
- Clear, honest, compassionate conversations.

Love to Paint | Learn to Sell will give you the confidence to finally make the leap to be a"Professional Artist".
Write your awesome label here.

Hi, I’m Róisín, and I’ve Been in Your Shoes

I've walked the walk from amateur to professional artist and I know the pitfalls, the fears and the joys of the journey you’re on.

I began my art career well over 10 years ago and now exhibit in established galleries in Ireland, the UK, Europe and the US and sell my prints nationwide.

Hundreds (probably thousands) of students and customers later, I've taken everything I've learned about painting and being a professional artist and created a clearly structured online programme full of enthusiasm and encouragement.

I've had many years experience in giving workshops and teaching. From the simple joy of painting, to passing on the skills you need to make a living from your art,  I’m committed and passionate about teaching, sharing and living creativity.

Enrolment Currently Closed

If you'd like to be the first to know when we next open, join the waitlist.

Is Love to Paint | Learn to Sell for You?

This course is designed for artists who:

- Don’t particularly enjoy selling.
- Are challenged by the business side of being an artist.
- Feel flummoxed by social media.

Whether you’re an established artist or just starting out, this course offers a down-to-earth, inclusive experience. It’s designed to give you a clear way forward for your creative business, in the company of like-minded artists.

Love to Paint | Learn to Sell gives you...

  • the knowledge, tools, guidance and support you need to:

  Nail down your purpose.

  Learn who your audience is and how to find them.

  Develop an authentic brand.

  Market your Art with integrity.

  Lose your fear of selling.

  Learn how to be more productive, more professional and more creative.

  Figure out how to separate your business from your personal life.

  Track your revenue and expenses so you know what works for you and what doesn't.

  Have Art Galleries knocking on your door!

What You’ll Learn In this Course

Social Media

How the world of social media has changed in the last two years.What you really need to be doing and what’s a waste of time. Why you need social proof and how to get it. How to plan and post content that will bring you admirers or customers.


The art of presenting your work to the right people.
How to find your audience. How to create a brand that is true to you and your work. How changing your marketing mindset will be more valuable than hiring a PR company.


How to sell face-to-face and online, without feeling icky. Selling at fairs, events, and online. The pros and cons of selling privately or through Galleries. The do’s and don’ts of finding gallery representation. Pricing your work and handling discounts.

Making Money

The skills to build an art career, even in a recession.Learn how to clear away old beliefs and fears around money that don’t serve you and replace them with a new, empowering mindset that has helped me literally double my income every two years over the last decade.

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If you'd like to be the first to know when we next open, join the waitlist.

Love to Paint | Learn to Sell is based on six modules, with one being released each week so you won't get overwhelmed.


Building the Groundwork

We’re not creating widgets to sell. Our 'product' comes from our creative soul! Learn how to stay inspired and continue growing artistically.


Systems and Finance to Make Your Life Easier

We’re not huge companies and we don't need complicated finances. Learn the simple systems you need to save you time and keep you on the right track.


Creating a Brand that Expresses Who You Are

Your branding shouldn’t be a copy of some corporate outfit — you’re small and wildly unique. Learn how to tell your story in your brand.


Marketing the Special Thing You Do

Learn why you really need to give more attention to social proof and learn about inbound marketing to have customers chasing you, rather than the other way around.


Selling With Ease and Confidence

Know and understand your customers better and learn how selling your work can be fun. (That’s right,  I did say FUN!)


Wellbeing and Getting Stuff Done

The biggest mistake most Artists make is burning out by trying to do 'All The Things'. Learn where to spend your time to actually get stuff done!

In addition to the six modules, you’ll also receive:

  • 15 recorded video lessons that you can watch at any time.
  • Weekly Live interactive group support sessions, with times set to suit both USA and European time zones so you don't miss a thing.
  • Guided exercises and assignments to work on during the course (or after) so you can apply what you learn as you go. 
  • Walkthrough videos on key resources to save you time and help you skip the common pitfalls.
  • Lifetime access to all course material so you can come back at any time.
  • Inclusion into a small group of supportive and encouraging artists who are at the same stage as you so you won't ever be alone on this journey.

Everyone Loves a Bonus (or Four)!

When you enroll in Love to Paint | Learn to Sell today you’ll receive FOUR additional bonuses to help set you up for success.
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Bonus #1: Advanced Pricing Mini Course

(Actual Value: $99, Yours FREE)

Not sure what to charge or how to justify price increases to your customers?

Wondering how to charge premium prices without folding and offering soul-destroying discounts?

I’ve got you sorted with this exclusive pricing session included as a course bonus.

You'll Learn how to price your work to show its value, attract your ideal customers and make that sale.

Bonus #2: How to Build an Artist’s Facebook page Video Training

(Actual Value: $99, Yours FREE)

A step-by-step, foolproof guide on how to create an artist’s Facebook Page that looks professional, so that even if you don't have a website, your customers can find you, follow you and fall in love with your work.
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Bonus #3: How to create a Logo for your business - Video Training

(Actual Value: $99, Yours FREE)

Another step-by-step, foolproof guide, this time on how to create a logo for your artistic business to use on social media, a website, your business card or wherever you need to make a good impression.

Bonus #4: Access to the Private Facebook Group

(Actual Value: Priceless!)

As part of your enrollment in Love to Paint | Learn to Sell, you’ll gain access to a private (members only) Facebook group with weekly live support sessions with me!

The support and friendship you’ll find in this community will no doubt be a game-changer for you.

I’m active in the group throughout the course offering advice and answering questions, and the weekly live support session is there to help you with what you’re tackling that week.
This group is truly special. It’s filled with big-hearted, supportive women, all keen to celebrate the wins, troubleshoot the tricky spots, and share the journey.
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Enrolment Currently Closed

If you'd like to be the first to know when we next open, join the waitlist.
Start Building Your Art Career Today (Risk Free!)
Try Love to Paint | Learn to Sell for 14-days, 100% RISK-FREE.

I know this material works because I’ve seen it work again and again with my students. I only want to develop the highest quality material based on real-world experience and proven results.

Sign up today and you’ll get instant access to the program. If for any reason you don’t feel it’s a fit, simply contact me or my support team during the first 14 days and I’ll refund you 100% of your payment. No questions asked.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Have a Question? We Have Answers.

What makes you qualified to teach about business skills?

I have over 30 years experience in business ( I started when I was 10 ). My career, before full-time art, covered positions in PR, Marketing and Business Development in mostly small companies, in addition to being self-employed for six years. I learned from the school of hard knocks and hard graft in the real world before turning those skills to support my passion – Art.

I just want to paint / make / do the thing I love. I hate all that business stuff.

Well, if we can’t bring in a crust doing what we love, then most likely we have to go get a ‘proper job’ to pay the bills. Then we’re too tired to create. Let’s see if we can find the happy medium for you.

I want to really take my art career seriously, but I don't know where to start.

Music to my ears. Let’s start with clarity! I’ll show you how to create a plan. You won’t be able to do everything at once, but one thing at a time, with purpose, you can achieve your goals.

I'm doing okay but I get lost when it comes to marketing and selling.

That’s my forté. We’ll spend a good chunk of time figuring out what social media works for you and how you can manage it sensibly to build your audience.

I feel like I'm heading for burnout.

We’re not manufacturing widgets on an assembly line. We’re creatives, artists and makers drawing from our creative souls daily. I’ll show you how to prioritize renewal and what to do to avoid burnout.

I hate 'branding.' It seems so fake and that doesn't suit me.

Good, cause what you do is unique, small and mighty. Branding is simply articulating who you (can I say authentically?) are, without BS and in a way that ordinary folks can understand. And, If they don’t understand what you do they probably won’t want it. So let’s fix that.

I’m scared silly about selling. Hate it!

Most of us do at the start. That’s normal. We’ll start small and build – both online and face-to-face. Mostly I’ll teach you how to remove the ‘ick” from selling and how to get out of your own way.

Will my career take off after I take this course?

If you work hard, think hard and open up to it…yep. But we’ll also look at the reality of where you are. If you have three kids under five then maybe a slower trajectory might suit you better. It’s not a one-size fit all plan. You will, with my help, develop your own goals to get there in your own time.

If there’s one thing this course will do for me, what will that be?

An eagle’s view of what’s involved and how to keep each part in balance.
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